All too often, people use the word "slut" as a means of shaming other people (mostly womyn) into falling back in line to the hetero-normative patriarchal structure. Well, guess what? Some of us refuse to be ashamed and refuse to step back in line.
To whom it may concern, For a while now all these people are talking about Cliven Bundy. I am really getting sick of him. Can he go choke on a pretzel like a good cowboy yet? I get it, he doesn't like the federal government because he wants to graze his cows, own slaves and generally be a dick. He should really learn about shit before he opens his mouth. Mexicans and "spanish people" are not the same people. Spanish people are from Spain in Europe, you know, where white people come from. Mexicans are from Mexico where the overwhelming majority of the people are mestizo. Spanish may be the main language spoken in Mexico (Nahuatl, Mayan and other indigenous languages are still spoken more than some realize) but since English is the most widely spoken language in the USA maybe we should start calling anglo-americans English people. Chew on that with your grass, Cliven. Maybe the federal agents should have made him read a map while they were there. I am not a fan of the government either, the difference is that Cliven Bundy wants to take one fucked up hierarchical power structure and trade it for another fucked up hierarchical power structure. Why? Because the power structure serves him. He is just a white dude who wants to maintain his privileged life on his fucking ranch with his fucked up beliefs about people of color and apparently not learn the most basic geography enough to know that Spain and Mexico are two different places with two different cultures on two different continents.
No, Cliven, they weren't better off as slaves. They didn't have better family life at a time when black families were enslaved and separated at the slave markets and african american marriages weren't recognized. But hey, maybe you should exchange your ability to be married for a jumping the broom ceremony that isn't recognized by the power structure that enforces a system that makes it possible for people to own you and put a price on your body. Is that the family structure you are looking for, Cliven?
Above is the full speech, still racist as fuck as well as having anti-choice implications. Actually, it has more racist bullshit than the individual clip. It portrays stereotypes about Mexicans, and he can't even remember which culture he is talking about. I once heard a very wise man say "shape up or ship out." Well, Cliven, get your shit together or go fuck yourself, but don't open your mouth just to mass murder people's braincells.
Hey Cliven, shove your anglo-centricism and white privilege up your ass and graze on that, motherfucker!
I've heard it time and again. It annoys the shit out of me. It is those moments where someone (usually some dudebro-doucher) implies that feminism is somehow oppressive to men. It is when some idiot cries "reverse sexism" as if something like that even exists. It is when some dickhead uses the term "femanazi" as if challenging patriarchy and the other hierarchies that reinforce it is somehow comparable to rounding up and systematically exterminating entire portions of the population while militarily expanding into as many countries as you can. People who say these things deserve a good boot to the face. They make me sick. Sexism is more than a simple personal bias based on sex or gender. Sexism is a systemic and institutionalized form of oppression. Sexism is that even the most privileged group of womyn make seventy seven cents to the man's dollar. The biggest pay gap is that the latina population earns fifty nine cents to the man's dollar. That is in the United States of America. This is your "land of the free" and what it represents to those of us that are on a societal level underrepresented. Sexism is that grrrls are still told how to avoid and prevent being raped while boys are not taught not to rape or even in the circumstances where they are they are given a ridiculously poor understanding on what rape is. Sexism is the fact that rape is the accepted norm in society. Sexism is the fact that varying power structures in society feel perfectly comfortable shaming womyn over how much or how little clothing we choose to wear. Sexism is that domestic violence is overwhelmingly swept under the rug (nothing to see here folks) and society doesn't take it seriously. Sexism is rape jokes being considered perfectly acceptable in the media. Sexism is breastfeeding in public being considered obscene while you can find breasts being used for advertisement and marketing pretty much all over. Sexism is how prostitutes are criminalized while the pimps and johns are rarely prosecuted. Sexism is the media bombarding womyn with messages that our bodies aren't good enough, that we need their product to fit their bigoted beauty standards. Sexism is the systemic regulation of womyn's bodies by varying anti-abortion laws. Sexism is so many things that play into the power dynamics that make womyn an underclass. Sexism is NOT simply a personal bias and feminism is NOT the dominant force in society that is being forced on a vulnerable group of people. So to the next dudebro-doucher that accuses me or any other of the womyn who call them out on their sexist bullshit of "reverse-sexism" and calls us "femanazis" they should stop and think for once about the power dynamics and examine their own privilege. Maybe then, they will realize why we are so pissed off.
Sometimes hope can be a difficult thing to find. Sometimes despair and hopelessness can feel overwhelming. Sometimes you have to look for hope. Sometimes you want to give up. I know this feeling. Sometimes hope is broken down by traumatic events, rough times or bullies who seem to have all the power and all the control. Well, they may appear to be undefeatable and situations can appear hopeless and they are in fact very difficult, but I am writing this to say that nothing is ever truly hopeless and you can always fight the good fight relentlessly until you win and you should never give up. I am writing this for those who face oppression and exploitation in any of their many forms. Sometimes you can even stumble upon hope accidentally, but most of the time you have to find it in your own heart, desires, dreams, values or ideology. Sometimes, you may be given false hope by some asshole (often politicians) and that may bring you back to square one. If they claim to be your hope from a position of power, they will probably sell you out. The hope, that is in your comrades who fight beside you as equals because what you want and what they want are inherently linked because all your comrades' interests are somehow intertwined. That is something that can be achieved only by a horizontal sense of unity, solidarity and a strong will. That is true of the struggle for the eight hour day, for the precedent of resistance sparked during the stonewall riots and many other points in history. You don't need to rely on promises at the ballot box but a truly bottom up fight in the streets. You lose fights the same way you win them, but if you lose you should never let that make you stay down. You get back up and fight again. If you haven't let go of your hope and the fight then you haven't truly lost yet and if you haven't truly lost yet you can still win or at least push forward.
But Prove to Me Abortion Is Murder
*Don't worry, this is a cat fetus, not a human one.* I'm calling out all
anti-choice/pro-birth advocates, arguing that abortion is somehow murder.
That in...
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This blog is pretty much dead yo
As you may have noticed, this blog is pretty much dead. It had a good run.
If you want to follow me on social media, my Spinster account is
Maanav Chaalisa
Pesh hain....
Chaalis panktiyan....maanav jeevan ke....... by psylentshri!! These words
happened to me.... On 16th November 2017 ...
मानव - चालिसा