I'm hearing about with increasing frequency about these "men's rights" groups. Amongst these groups, I keep on hearing about A Voice for Men. Now whenever I hear about this group or hear a men's rights activist talk, I really have a hard time deciding whether to puke because of how disgusting they are or laugh at how stupid they sound. This notion that feminists oppress men is stupid. For feminists to oppress men, those of us who are feminists would have to be in a position of real materially measurable power within the structure of the system and the institutionalized social hierarchies. We really don't have such power. Do men face some fucked up shit from the system? Yes. The draft is an example. However, feminists didn't create the draft, as a matter of fact, many feminists are pretty strongly opposed to imperialist wars and all the macho bullshit associated with war. What is the Men's Rights Movement about? Scapegoating womyn and feminists for their troubles. Scapegoats have never had pretty results in history.
But let us look at the facts, shall we? Womyn's bodies are regulated in regards to reproductive healthcare decisions being meddled with by laws. Womyn are taught how not to be raped. We are told to cover our bodies as to not tempt men. We are told not to drink at parties, not to go out at certain hours, not to draw attention and if we were raped then we are guilty because we somehow failed to prevent the man (who we obviously tempted) from raping us. We have dysphoria sold to us to keep us buying their products. We have a pay gap that has made it difficult for working class womyn to get out of abusive marriages for economic reasons.
That macho masculinist shit fed to men who have easily misplaced anger by AVfM and other men's rights groups has a poisonous effect on the socio-political climate. But to make bad even worse, when some heartless mysogynist egomaniac with no conscience gets pissed of because his male-entitlement wasn't nurtured and fulfilled and he kills people over being rejected by womyn, that climate dismisses him as one lunatic even though he has been many men many times over. They play that shit down. They even express sympathy for him saying "why didn't one of you sluts sleep with him?" as if we owed that to men to keep them from murdering. But that is what the "men's rights movement" wants, a culture of coercion and male entitlement. Fear: If I don't sleep with him he might kill me and/or others. Entitlement: He killed her because she rejected him, poor boy.
That is why the men's rights movement is a menace to any kind of healthy progress of the humyn species.
Okay gertjan van damme, please explain how I have ever reduced another grrrl to her face or her opinion for that matter...
~A feminist
have you read the articles and watched the videos?
I started to go through it and saw enough.
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