Recently, the supreme court decided that it is okay for corporations to deny female employees certain kinds of contraception for religious reasons. Initially, I was too in shock to respond with a blog entry. I was pissed. I'm still pissed. I mean I get it, corporations are people and therefore are entitled to religious freedom. By religious freedom they obviously mean freedom of your religion at the expense of other people's bodily autonomy.
Well, for the sake of sanity, lets break this down, shall we? Corporations aren't people, they don't have empathy, they don't have family members that they love unconditionally, they don't eat and they don't bleed. But giving corporations religious freedom? When was the last time a corporation went to mass? When was the last time a corporation took communion? When was the last time a corporation felt Catholic guilt? Is Hobby Lobby baptized? When was the last time Hobby Lobby did penance? Us womyn are waiting for Hobby Lobby to do penance or at least have contrition for setting a precedent that will fuck over womynkind. You see, the one religious thing corporations do would be sinning. For claiming the lord as a corporation, I'm pretty sure Jesus would go to their stores knock over shit and attack people with a whip. Kinda kinky, eh? Yeah, no...
Now as for religious freedom, religious freedom should never be an excuse for forcing one's religion on someone else. Does freedom of the press mean that a reporter can legally break in to your house, force you into submission and search you and your belongings if they are writing a story about you? No, apparently only the police can do that. Also, something concrete like someone's body is much more important to defend than something abstract like what imaginary friends a person believes in. Therefore, bodily autonomy should trump one's right to practice religion.
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